Welcome to the Mar-Anon Meeting Chairs’ information page. Here, you will find the latest announcements and updates for running meetings.


These are the current meeting announcements. Please copy and paste these announcements into the Zoom chat or read them during in-person meetings.

1. Link to join Mar-Anon fellowships: https://mar-anon.com/fellowship-groups/

2. Mar-Anon needs meeting Chairs, & members for committees: Technical, Social Media, Newcomers, Outreach, Literature, & Newsletter. maranon.group@gmail.com.

3. Three Mar-Anon in-person meetings: North San Diego (Julie E 949 933 0897), Albany (Berkeley) CA Wed 7.30-8.30 pm (Mary 510 323 5957), & Newport Beach, CA Hybrid 2nd & 4th Mondays 5-6 pm PST. 

4. Please sign up to be a member of Mar-Anon and receive our newsletter https://mar-anon.com/join-mar-anon-form/

6. Donate to Mar-Anon to support outreach to others suffering: https://mar-anon.com/contact-donate/

The link to register for the training meeting is below. 




Other resources:

Link to Mar-Anon Meeting Guide Format

Link to Business Meeting Guide Format