Mar-Anon Pamphlets:

 These pamphlets are to provide education and can be downloaded for anyone to use.
Please have these pamphlets available at in-person meetings and take them to medical offices, recovery centers, schools, etc.  


What is Mar-Anon?
(poster format)

  Mar-Anon Bookmark   What is Sponsorship? What is Cannabis
Use Disorder?

(poster format)



What is Cannabinoid
Hyperemesis Syndrome (CHS)?

(poster format)

  What is Cannabis
Induced Psychosis (CIP)?

(poster format)
  What about Cannabidiol (CBD)?
(courtesy of
  Detoxing from Marijuana
(courtesy of

Useful Links:

Meeting Approved Literature:

How To Run A Meeting:

Join Mar-Anon Email Updates and Monthly Newsletter
To learn about new meetings, updates, and general information. The only requirement for membership is that a person be affected by another’s marijuana addiction.  This is a private group, so those interested must submit a request to join the group.

Support Group for Women with Spouse and Domestic Partner Qualifiers
This private WhatsApp group for support and fellowship is based on the same principles of shared leadership and moderation as Mar-Anon meetings with the addition of “crosstalk” (i.e., permitting direct commentary on one another’s shares). In addition to keeping in touch via the group chat, we supplement regular Mar-Anon meetings with monthly and special online meetups as discerned by the members. Most of us are regular Mar-Anon meeting attendees focused on our stepwork. If you want to join this group, ask about it after a public Mar-Anon meeting.