Welcome to Mar-Anon Family Groups

Many times we have heard:
“It’s just pot – what’s the problem?”

Confusion and self-doubt ensue. We spin between the belief that marijuana is harmless and our own conviction that something is wrong in our relationship with a habitual user. We can feel isolated. We can even feel like we are going crazy.

We in Mar-Anon understand. Although many think it less serious than other drugs or alcohol, marijuana is a mind and mood-altering drug that can be addictive for some people. For those who seek recovery from marijuana use, there is a 12-Step program – Marijuana Anonymous. For friends and families whose lives are affected by a loved one’s marijuana use, there is Mar-Anon Family Groups.

Like any addictive behavior, habitual marijuana use has an impact that extends beyond the user. In Mar-Anon, we seek to recover from the effects of our loved ones’ use by learning about addiction and co-dependency, taking responsibility for our own lives, and sharing experience, strength, and hope with one another.  The only requirement for membership in Mar-Anon Family Groups is that a person be affected by another’s marijuana use.

Dealing with someone else’s substance use can be a painful struggle but it also creates opportunity. While we have found that we cannot change others, we can transform ourselves and create more serenity, clarity, and happiness in our lives.

The widespread belief that marijuana cannot be addictive creates added stress for users and family members who are already suffering. With alcohol, cocaine, or even gambling, it is commonly understood that these addictions are illnesses and often require outside help. Marijuana users, on the other hand, can struggle for years in a vacuum without information or intervention. Though Mar-Anon Family Groups takes no position on the legal, medical or political status of marijuana, we recognize that the increased availability of marijuana and legalization create additional challenges and controversy. 

Mar-Anon Family Groups is a 12-Step program designed specifically for those who are affected by another’s marijuana use.

You are not alone!

Join the Mar-Anon monthly newsletter To learn about new meetings, updates, and general information. The only requirement for membership is that a person be affected by another’s marijuana use. This is a private group, so those interested must submit a request to join.

“I felt so lost for the past 2 years and Mar-Anon has given me a community where I finally feel understood.” – Johanna